When I was a teen, I read a fiction book that covered the character from her teens to her seventies. At the end of the book, she tells her best friend that she's discovered the secret of life - it is to endure. Endurance is a direct result of persistence, and I like to think that persistence comes from a place in your heart that just refuses to accept negative results.
Almost immediately after making the decision to send two emails a week, I encountered my first opportunity of the year to persist. My email system imploded. So you might notice that this newsletter comes to you from a brand-new email, but I promise, it's still me, and I have things up and running again. I hope to bring you tips for jobhunting or motivation and useful recommendations all in under 750 words. If you know someone that might find this information helpful, please feel free to pass it along.
Prepare and Strategize for that Job Hunt in 2025
Five things you need to do before you start firing off resumes:
Update Your Resume Take a fresh look at your resume and ensure it reflects who you are today, not just who you the last time you made it. Highlight recent accomplishments, add new skills, and focus on the results you’ve achieved. Numbers and metrics speak volumes – potential employers love to see how you’ve made an impact. They want to know about what you’ve owned and how that can help them make money or save money.
Clean Up Your Online Presence Google yourself. Yes, really. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is polished, professional, and aligned with your resume. And while you’re at it, check your other social media platforms to ensure they’re presenting the best version of you. No one needs to see those rants from 2017. And some of us like to keep things real so we don’t post purely positive my-life-is-perfect sorts of posts, but you’ll want to guard against having too many negative ones in a row – that’s just not attractive to a potential employer. If your resume interests a company, they’ll check your LinkedIn. If they get serious about you (and if it is a role where this might matter), they’ll check out your social media too.
Clarify Your Career Goals What are you looking for? Take some time to identify the roles, industries, or companies that interest you. A focused search saves time and helps you land somewhere that truly fits. It makes it easier to tailor your resumes when they’re all in the same general direction.
Gather Your Tools: Have that ChatGPT account set up to save you some time when parsing job descriptions, set up a professional email address (if you haven’t already), and consider using tools like job trackers or templates for applications. Preparation will save you precious time later. This is something I help my clients with.
Build a Routine Job searching can feel overwhelming if you don’t manage your time. Having a routine or some set tasks can make it easier to do. Set aside dedicated time each day to search, apply, and/or network. Put it on your calendar, or list, or whichever system works best for you.
Mel Robbins has just released a new books titled, The 'Let Them' Theory. This book talks about how empowering it is to let control of the frustration we feel when we try to control the things outside of our control - which is an awful lot of things. And in today's wildly charged environment, this ability to 'let them' and let go is going to be an important survival skill.
You can find this book in print, eBook, or Audible at Amazon and you can check it out wherever you check out books.

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